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Let's Play Fair - Understanding the Fair Housing Act
AM Classes: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Kelly Soriano
We'll delve into Fair Housing laws across federal, state, and local jurisdictions, accompanied by a brief historical overview. Topics of discussion encompass HUD violations, Property Management violations, ADA compliance, enforcement of fair housing laws, and considerations related to Megan's Law.
Ethics: It's a Legal Imperative Too!
AM Classes: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mike and Sally Liddicoat
Knowing how the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Arizona Administrative Code dictate real estate processes and the penalties and fines resulting from violations is essential. Also, learn the common violations and how to avoid them.
What Really Matters - Legal Issues
PM Classes: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Brian White
What Really Matters – Legal Issues in Real Estate” is a course that teaches real estate professionals about the legal issues that affect real estate transactions.
What to look out for, addressing issues for both the clients and the Agents. How to avoid litigation, lawsuits and complaints.
You Be the Judge
PM Classes: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Torey Gannon
Disclosure has long been one of the biggest issues in real estate transactions. But what happens when agents and clients don't properly disclose? In this class, you will participate in a mock Professional Standards hearing where you can be the judge of who didn't correctly disclose and the resulting punishment. We’ll take a closer look at common issues regarding disclosure, proper disclosure by agents, and strategies to ensure your clients do the same!
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